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Protect and grow your investments and ventures with specialized contracts that suits your specific needs. In Ventura, we have a wide variety of contracts and extensive legal experience to offer you the best strategy for your goals. These are just some of the contracts available for you:
If your goal is to acquire real estate as an alternative to a fideicomiso or start a business venture in Mexico, forming a legal entity is the perfect option for you. It is important to keep in mind a couple of things before you start forming your company.
First off, the differences between a civil and commercial entity:
A Civil Entity (or also known as "Sociedad Civil" in Spanish) is a private organization between individuals to offer professional services in exchange for an economic remuneration.
A Commercial Entity (also known as a "Sociedad Mercantil" in Spanish) is a private organization that can be formed by individuals and by another private organization to produce, distribute and/or market merchandise in exchange for profit.
Now that you know some of the differences, it is importante to consider the next steps before trying to form a legal entity:
Authorization to use Company Name
Constitution of Company By-Laws and Social Contract
Register Company in the Tax Administrative Service.
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